A Notification on FY-3E Data Preprocessing Software Packages
Source:Author:     Issued Date:2022-12-05

FY-3E Data Preprocessing Software Packages will be released before December 15, 2022. It contains 2 software packages oriented to Linux users: FY3L0pp and FY3L1pp. They are capable to process data from the four instruments on board the FY-3E satellite, i.e. MERSI-LL, HIRAS-II, MWTS-III and MWHS-II.

FY3EL0pp is used to parse ORG data into L0 data and GPS data, and FY3EL1pp can process the data generated by the FY3EL0pp into L1 data.

If you are interested in the FY-3E Data Preprocessing Software Packages, please fill in the application form and send it to us.

FY-3E Data Preprocessing Software Packages Proposal.doc
